All the Help We Can Get

February 2, 2012 posted by Len B.

Most of us who have been able to quit smoking for substantial lengths of time have come to realize that it takes more than just willpower to be successful. In fact for many of us (myself included,) we had to arm ourselves with a variety of “weapons” and other tools to beat our addictions. These included medications such as Bupropion®, nicotine replacement therapies such as lozenges, gum, patches, etc, classroom training, one-on-one counseling, group support meetings, and more. In addition to all of that, I found some very effective assistance and support on the Internet. One web site I found that was of great value to me personally is called®.

Registering for® is free. They do offer a higher level of service for which they charge a nominal fee, but I found plenty of value as a free member without having to pay. In addition to the various articles, testimonials, tips, and other information found on the site, there are chat rooms where one can always find other quitters at any time of the day or night. These “watering holes” come in very handy when you’re craving a cigarette and need someone to “talk” you through the moment without lighting up. In those chat rooms you’ll find people who have just quit that very day, as well as others who have been successfully quit for weeks, months, or years.

Another aspect of the web site that I found to be quite useful is that it records your quit date and other statistics pertaining to your smoking addiction. As time goes by, it tracks how much of your life and money you’ve saved by quitting. It then automatically generates and sends you emails on your anniversary dates to remind you of the progress you’re making:

Sample Email

Quitting smoking is serious business that requires us to take advantage of every available tool in order to help us reach and maintain our smoke-free goals.® is yet another one of those valuable tools.

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